Profession Astrologer. How to choose your specialist

From the time of the «Age of Enlightenment» (18th century) to the present day, the profession of an Astrologer has been wrapped in mystery. If in the past the services of more or less competent astrologers were available only to the powerful, today we can speak of the «democratisation» of Astrology, which has become available to the general public. This opening towards a greater number of people, as desirable as it may be, has nevertheless not improved its reputation. Unfortunately, this mistrust is objectively justified, given that in this discipline there is a large and constantly growing number of, to put it mildly, not very competent «specialists» (in a word, charlatans.) It seems to me, therefore, necessary to clarify certain aspects of the work of the Astrologer in order to determine the basic ethical rules and conditions which guarantee the quality of the service. With good advice and caution, you can avoid major mistakes and, based on information, make your choice.


So, how to choose your Astrologer?


In fact there are plenty of people able to appreciate the benefits of Astrology, but who are uncertain how to find a competent practitioner. There are no shortage of warnings about the dangers of occultism (along with which astrology is often mistakenly classified). How to distinguish a competent specialist from an amateur? High-level specialist astrologers are united by a number of principles, which can be summarised as follows:


Modern professionals use software only for astronomical calculations and never for astrological interpretation (no machine is capable of synthesising planetary positions, separately interpreted in houses and signs — and no program can draw an accurate psychological portrait. Everything obtained in this manner is soulless computer-generated text which cannot reflect reality.)


They organise their consultations in such a way that they never have to work in a rush. In other words, they manage to avoid a busy schedule, allowing them to finish a serious and complete analysis within a reasonable time frame (for example, five to fifteen days). Firms or websites offering an immediate forecast or interpretation of a Horoscope cannot reasonably carry out the preliminary analysis required to obtain reliable advice. This indicates that we are dealing with astrological interpretations carried out entirely on a computer, without human intervention.


Through various means (printed or on-line publications, conferences, seminars, etc) professionals provide those seriously interested in the field of astrology with the tools and knowledge necessary to understand their work, their methods and techniques. In short, by making their methods publically available, they are open to appraisal and judgment by their colleagues: they do not practice «secretly» with obscure methods that only they know.


They have a clear code of ethics which is available to anyone who desires a consultation.


My Code of Ethics:

  • Astrology should not replace other human sciences. Astrology can provide a new look at the problem but does not pretend to be the ultimate truth.  It is never good to look at a question from one side only. Life and nature are complex and diverse and one can approach the solution of issues in different ways.  An Astrologer cannot claim to be a doctor, sociologist or financier. Ultimately, they are nearer to a philosopher or a psychologist.
  • Ideally, an Astrologer should neither completely break with tradition (creating a kind of personal astrology, which no longer has a recognised basis), nor be a slave to it. Before specialising, they must first undergo classical training. Practice has shown me that no theory is ever completely innovative: the astrological tradition is so old that what today might appear to be an innovation has certainly been considered in the past. One should not forget to look back before looking forward.
  • Professional confidentiality is, of course, a given, and is one of the key points for any professional, so there is no need to develop this concept here.
  • An astrologer should always reflect on their actions: They are acting primarily as a counsellor and should always be careful, weighing their words in accordance with the receptivity of the petitioner. The practice of Astrology requires a grounding in the field of psychology, and categorical or dogmatic statements should be absolutely excluded. In conclusion, since I believe that any astrological consultation is eligible for «extra time» which should be free of charge, I always undertake to answer any questions that may remain unanswered after analysis. I also invite feedback and ask everyone who comes to me to give me their news periodically. For me, the relationship between an Astrologer and those who consult them is a bond of mutual trust that deepens and develops over time.
  • Bearing  above points in mind, one might still wonder about the usefulness of an astrological consultation: If you are asking yourself “I’m going to pay for a service, is it really useful? Will this really help me?», I recommend that you read the article «Astrology and its uses» (PLEASE suply a link!) which, I hope, will answer these two important questions: What is Astrology? and what can it solve?